An Intimate Sue Wong Birthday Party
Sue Wong celebrated her birthday with a tight group of 45 friends at a festive and euphoric gathering hosted and organized by her dear friend Lisa Haisha on Saturday evening, April 29th.
“I’m deeply honored by Lisa’s warmth, generosity and largesse,” extolled Sue, “and it was great to be surrounded by my bosom camarades as we celebrated the onset of yet another year in my life’s journey.”
Lisa, who read a poem she had composed honoring Sue, intoned, “It was a touching, beautiful night filled with Sue’s mantra: Beauty, Magic and Transformation. Thank you , dear Sue, for gifting so many many of us with deep friendships and a true sense of family. I love you.”
Close friend Murray Rosen described the event as “a rapturous evening of conviviality and togetherness in celebration of a truly great lady who has deeply influenced all of us and bonded us into an unbreakable union of friends.”
Indeed, this was an evening where food, drink, entertainment, merriment, and good will were all omnipresent! The music provided was a perfect match for the spirit of the evening, with Sue Wong favorites Jawn Star on keyboard, Scott Page on sax, Chris Grainger on drums, and Jenny Moseley on guitar. Special guest musician Steven Day added to the aura of the evening with his performance on the sarod, an Indian instrument.
Lisa had ordered a spectacular cake for Sue Wong with a gorgeous photo of the famed polymathic and multi-talented designer on it, and Sue capped the evening by cutting slices of this delicious confection for all of the celebrants.
“My wonderful and long-term friends in attendance tonight are all gifted personalities and accomplished artists who are movers and shakers in their own fields of endeavor and in the world: Abbot Yeanfan of the Los Angeles Shaolin Temple; FOX newscaster Christine Devine; founder of E! ENTERTAINMENT Larry Namer; actress/director /producer Jacqueline Murphy and her husband, real estate investor Fred Stahl; director/ producer Antonio Lozano: actor/producer Scott Engrotti; musicians Chris Pitman, Scott Page of Pink Floyd, Jawn Star, Chris Grainger, Stephen Day, and Jenny Mosely; educators, journalists, and co-founders of FVM Global Magazine Faith Harrington-Boutin and Murray Rosen; graphics designer David Pascal; actress Sandra Santiago; model, actress, and entertainer Dustin Quick and her husband, musician Medi EM; model/fashion designer Anna Gupta and her husband, software designer Manish Gupta; singer M’Cell and her husband, educator and software developer Walter Martinez Marconi; actor/model Robert Frank Telfer; restauranteur Thach Namer and her husband, Christophe Namer, founder of Cardinal du Four Armagnac; journalist and founder of The Eden Magazine Maryam Morrison and her husband, former US Department of Defense coordinator; photographer Dietmar Kohl; artisan restorer Zoltan Papp; and entrepreneur Fred Powers.
Sue’s son Josh drove all the way down from San Jose/Cupertino to participate in the festivities as well.
Invited guests unable to attend were musician Djordje Stijepovic, because of his late return to LA from Croatia, and musician Steve Cooke and his wife Sandra, because of illness in the family.
Overcome by the sentiment of the evening, Sue Wong declared: “I feel deeply loved and honored, and so grateful for the gift and treasure of true friendships in my life! LOVE YOU ALL!!
Close friend Faith Boutin offered a private tribute to the birthday girl:
“Since it is your birthday, we won’t discuss the 100 men you have toiling under the Cedars as indentured servants! Moving along … we will discuss the following: You are an indefatigable defender of justice for humanity. You give unconditionally and generously to your friends. As a creative artist, you have contributed to culture and civilization. You are always there to guide a lost soul to the truth, and that is why we love you. You are the wind beneath my wings. Love you madly!
Let us keep the memory of this birthday celebration, where love, laughter and bonhomie were overflowing, eternally in our hearts!
Vous êtes tous très spécial pour moi!”